If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.
--Glen Clark
We lost track of what was important. I think that is the best way to sum it up.
I was engrossed in raising the children. He was in love with his job. We grew apart and then the marriage fell apart. It was tragic. If I could go back I would do a million things different. I think both of us realize now how we messed up, but it's too late.
I know that I personally learned a ton of valuable lessens... Let me travel back..
After the apartment we moved into a house in Mt Juliet. We also decided to sell the van and billy bought a used Land Rover. We also eventually bought me a new Chevy Classic.
Life was good for a while, but things really hadn't changed. We were sharing a home but living two separate lives. On top of not spending enough time together, we had overextended our finances so it looked like we were living this perfect life when in actuality we were stressed to the max and up to our ears in debt. Does that sound familiar to anyone?
I won't get in to all of the gory details but we decided to end the marriage after 8 years of marriage. Billy left the kids and I in the house and he moved out.
I kept the house for a while but during this process had my car reposed (bad feeling)
and then began to lose the house. A few people from church told me that I should try to short sell the house. A whole team of people gathered together and helped me fix everything up. We painted, scrubbed, landscaped, stained.. You name it. The house looked beautiful when we were done. The house sold in 2 days and we closed within the month. It was amazing. A total God thing.
Oh yeah and I broke even as well. I didn't lose any money on the house. : )
Since then I have revamped my thinking on many things.
I am not and will never be in debt like that again.
I have decided that if I can't pay cash for something then I don't need it that bad or I can wait. I decided this almost 2 years ago and I have stuck to it.
Last year I climbed out of $25,000 worth of accumulated debt between Billy and I.
I am happy to say that I am now DEBT FREE!!! This was completely the Lord's doing. He has been very faithful to take care of me.
I choose now to travel light. The kids and I have our own place but we don't have a ton of stuff and I want it that way.
I know now what is most important..