About Me

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I live to love life or love to live life. I look for the beauty in all things. I am a dreamer. A bit of a free spirit. I am a very private person deliberately sharing pieces of my life. Thoughts, goals, plans, lessons learned, heartaches and dreams. I hope you enjoy and can learn something from my personal journey.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Do you ever feel like you are rounding a corner of some kind?
Like you've been climbing, climbing, falling and climbing but suddenly things just feel a little easier, a little happier?

I'm not sure what changed. Actually, I don't think anything did.
I think I just got stronger. And I am happy. 
It's funny because last week I was struggling with discontentment and I couldn't figure out why.
It's like something has clicked. Nothing in my circumstances changed whatsoever but everything seems a little brighter, a little louder and more exciting.

Life is never going to be perfect, I am well aware of that. But I do think, a big part of the beauty in life is the challenges, disappointments and setbacks.  Of course we want life to go perfectly as planned and when it doesn't we wonder what we did wrong, what we did to deserve it or what we could have done to change it. The truth is, usually, nothing.
We can't avoid hurt, rejection, and negative circumstances. All we can do is choose our attitude and response.

I truly believe this is the key to life.

I am in a place where I realize happiness is within my control and i am choosing to be happy.

I am standing stronger alone (with God) then I ever have. It feels so good.
I think what I am trying to say is I am starting to feel WHOLE.

Whole.. What does that word mean....

You know that gaping hole in the center of your being that we try to fill with everything from friends, love, possessions, experiences, emotions and so on and so forth... That gaping hole can only be filled with the Lord. Once it is, we are free to enjoy all of the things I just listed above.
That is a pretty awesome concept. He never says we can't have and do those things. He simply wants to be first. He wants to fill the hole so we are free to live and enjoy our life. Wow.

I am smiling just thinking about how good God is. The sunlight is coming through the weeping willow tree beautifully in the backyard. The birds are singing. My daughter just woke up, hugged me and told me she loved me..

It's going to be a good day..

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