I was downtown this morning after I finished training a client and I took a minute to cruise the streets. I simply adore Nashville. I LOVE being downtown.
I drove with the windows down and breathed in the fresh spring air and looked all around,
I would love to buy a condo down there and truly experience downtown living.
Maybe some day..
I have been on a kick lately that every place I go I want to be somewhere I have never been. It's a fun little game. Tye has been a good sport, driving around while I look around and decide where I want to eat. This process sometimes takes us 30-40 minutes but it is always worth it.
We also took the kids on a walk the other night, up that REALLY big hill in front of the capital building. Once we got up there, I decided that it would be fun to roll down it. You know, like you used to when you were a kid?
Ok well it hurts a lot more than it used to. And that's all I am going to say about that. ; )
We ended up exploring the old historic part of downtown and it was so awesome. In the 6 years that I have lived here I have never taken the time to do that.
Tye rang the big giant bell and literally scared the you know what out of us.
Eli ran faster than I have ever seen. We laughed and laughed until we realized that Grace was crying because she thought the cops were going to come get us! LOL!
Nashville is just great. If you haven't ever been here you must come.
We have the coolest little music venues, quirky coffee shops, friendly people.
It's just all around a great great place.
Well, gottta run. Grace has gymnastics at 3:30 and Eli has a baseball game and 6:00.
It's gonna be a good night.
Love you all.