It's on my heart to write today. I have actually wanted to for days now but there has simply been no time to carve out to relax and write. Even now I am sitting in a cozy corner of panera wishing I could sit and do this for hours but I only have a few minutes before I meet a client and the day officially begins. I have a heavy topic on my heart today and that is being a single mom. I honestly don't think there is a more difficult job in the world. I actually love being a mom to my kids and honestly don't mind doing it alone. There are times when it would be easier to have someone at home helping me all of the time but having done both I am also thankful to be independent as well. Yesterday after I worked all day, I picked my kids up from the bus stop and took my daughter to gymnastics. While she practiced, her brother and I did homework. After a two hour practice we stopped by Kroger so I could pick up some things to make dinner. Chicken enchiladas had been requested. When we got home, we took the dogs out, I begin cooking dinner, grace took a shower then did homework. We sat down to eat as a family and talked about their day. Immediately after dinner I cleaned the kitchen, put left-overs away, packed snacks for school the next day and went through backpacks while the kids relaxed with a movie. Bedtime, teeth brushed, vitamins down, fresh water, tuck tuck and kisses. "mommy, can I have a string cheese?" "I have to go to the bathroom" " Did you sign my folder?" "My throat hurts!" "Go to sleep kids, I love you."
I love my life and truly wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
But I am also well aware that this is that hardest job and the most rewarding job I will ever have.
u r doing an awesome job baby......hopefully daddy and r helping u.... Raising u 3 kids even though i was'nt a single mom was the hardest job I've ever had....... They r our priceless gifts but it is (especially with the world as it is today = stressful) challenging... There is no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect child 4 that matter..Just know that it will get easier...Look at daddy and i now...lots more freedom and 3 wonderful kids and 4 more than wonderful grandkids.... i love u so much and just the other nite was telling daddy u have your hands FULL... Hang in there my Crystal keep up the good work and know r not alone.... The kids r well adjusted,healthy and happy....4 that I am so thankful and proud of the job u r doing.........xoxoxoxoxox love mom....Rev:22 Psalm 91:11 Joshua 1:9