He is peace to the wounded and help for the helpless one.
Wait patiently, upon the Lord.
When the waves rise against me and the waves try to draw me away.
I will stand on the mountain safe in your arms, I will sing.
I feel like driving. Actually today I have felt very claustrophobic. I hate that feeling. It makes me feel like I need to take a really deep breath.
It makes me feel like leaving.
Windows down, music blaring, hair down. Responsibilities left in the previous town.
I want to go somewhere new.
Quaint coffee shops, creative energy, artsy streets, bookstores, and art galleries.
It makes me wonder if I will ever be able to completely settle down and feel content.
I am blessed. I have a million and one things to be thankful for.
That is not the problem.
The issue is, I want my freedom. I have no desire to buy another house that I am tied to. I do not want to remarry anytime soon.
I didn't even want to sign a lease on my apartment.
I want to feel free. I don't want to have to explain why I feel this way sometimes.
I just do.
I have been responsible my whole life. But my entire life I have struggled with rebelling against that responsibility.
Today for example I want to drive to Asheville, NC. Alone. I want to wander down streets. I want to get lost. I want to eat dinner in a cute little restaurant. I want to get a little tipsy. I want to buy a piece of art from a local artist because it called my name.
Stay in a bed and breakfast. sleep in. write. dream.
It makes me wonder what the Lord has planned for me. He put big things inside of my heart. I know He did. I believe that is why I am not content to live a boring, life.
I want to see, explore, experience, really truly live. You know?
I feel so much like you do!! One day when we are all rich we need to go on a long trip! Somewhere far far away! I love you..