"First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you." Rob Gilbert
I have a really cool story. Remember yesterday when I said I ran into car/house challenges and I knew that I was supposed to choose a good attitude in spite of situations that were trying to get me off track? Well.. I did what I was supposed to do. I trusted God instead of trying to "fix" everything myself and in the process totally stressing myself out. ( This is what I would have done in the past)
So today, I nailed down a house for rent in Mt Juliet. Btw, it was exactly what we needed. 3 bedrooms in WA Wright school zone, less expensive than what we are living in now and right next door to my parents. : ) How cool is that?
Also, before class I drove to my best friend's house, borrowed some of her Husband's tools and was able to get my car started! Hooray! So the bottom line here is that God is good and all we really have to do is believe that and trust him to help us with our problems.
As far as my personal challenge went today. It wasn't as good as Monday. I didn't get a chance to workout. BUT, I did eat clean, and I went to lunch at Logan's with my mom and ate chicken, broc, and a baked sweet potato and didn't have a single roll! : )
And maybe I can count Kid Fit as exercise. I did have 13 kids after all, and they were WILD!
So, overall I feel great about everything. A challenge like this isn't designed for perfection, it is designed to make me aware of the daily decisions I make everyday.
I am consciously putting my phone down, (and turning off the sound), consciously hanging with my kids undistracted and overall changing my life to a life of intention. I don't want to let life slip by, or to be constantly waiting for the next step. I am where I am, and I love where I am.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Official Day #1

I started gearing up for my personal pursuit of change yesterday. I ate healthy and all natural all day until last night then I had some homemade taffy. ( because i wasn't starting until today, remember? ; ) But I did clean my house and go through my closet. I got rid of 3 large baskets of clothes and shoes that I don't want or need anymore. It looks so clean and organized. I am determined to go through my entire house. I love, LOVE getting rid of stuff. I like to travel light. That means, stuff I have not used or clothes I haven't worn in a month or two, gone. If I haven't needed it, I won't miss it.
I woke up today, ready. My goal for the day today was to eat healthy and clean, and start my workouts again. I did both today. Yay!
My Diet:
1/3 cup plain oatmeal with crumbled walnuts and skim milk and 4 eggs (2 whole, 2 white)
organic gala apple and raw almonds
4 oz baked chicken, broc, 1/3 cup brown rice mixed with black beans
cup of coffee and tea ( weird, I know.)
Mom's homemade turkey soup and 1/2 glass of red wine
Power clean press
Front squats
3 sets of 10 (no rest)
ring push-ups
Strap rows
mat laps
3x 15 (no rest)
I also ran my neighborhood when I came home from class tonight. ( yes it was raining and cold) What kept me going was that incredibly inspiring YouTube video I watched today. I have big goals. Big goals mean rainy, cold runs at 830pm.
Overall I did great today. The derailing part.. My car died today when I was working at re:MOVE this morning, it would not start with a jump. So, its still sitting there. Thankfully I was able to borrow my mom's truck tonight. I will figure out what to do with it tomorrow. Also I am moving again. This is always stressful, so I felt like 2 major major things were up in the air today. Yucky feeling. I beat it though. I chose Joy anyway and I guarantee it will pay off.
I totally conquered this day!
Day 2 tomorrow:
-Continue my healthy, natural diet
-leg workout
-Go through kid's closets
I like this. Little changes. Stay tuned. : )
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It's time to get serious about making changes!
I have things in my life I want to change. Can anyone out there relate?
When I look back I am very thankful that I am not where I once was but as I take a realistic look at where I am now, I know I'm not yet where I want to be. I do not do this in a condemning way. I refuse to allow guilt to stick around. I receive the conviction and desire to do better and make better choices.
What are "better" choices/decisions really?
For me better decisions are higher decisions.
Isaiah 55:8-9
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
I have some bad habits. Because this will help me to acknowledge, process and begin to change them. I am going to list them.
1. procrastination
2. multi-tasking (to the point of not being able to focus on one thing at a time)
3. spend too much time on media (facebook, my phone, my computer)
4. Enjoying and "being" in the moment is difficult for me
5. spending interrupted time with the kids where I am not distracted by a person, my phone, facebook or work.
6. I am "busy" all of the time
7. I need to feel loved and wanted
8. I crave discipline but have a hard time sticking to a goal once I set it
There are more I am sure, but this is a good place for me to begin. I want to change. I am not looking at these things and wallowing in self hatred. Just to show you (or me) that I have a healthy balance, I am going to list my positive qualities.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalms 139:14
1.I have a genuine, loving heart
2. I love God, love my family, love people
3. I am great at building rapport and relationships
4. I am business minded, determined and I refuse to give up.
5. I always try to find the silver lining in EVERY situation.
6. I know who I am in Christ and refuse to accept less than I should.
7. I am generous and loyal and protective of those I love
8. I am athletic, adventurous and fun.
So here is the consensus. I want to change and this is what I want.
I want to live a simplified life, uncomplicated by excess stuff, responsibilities that were never mine to take on. I want to break the addiction to facebook, my computer and my phone and create healthy, balanced boundaries. I want to be single and satisfied. I want to stop being a "busy multi-tasker" I want to focus on one main task each day and then if anything else gets done that day it's a bonus.
I want to enjoy and live my life now. Why wait? What is later? Are we promised tomorrow? No, we have today and today only. I want to start living that way.
How do you start? That is a very important question.
I am going to start with a small step. Writing this was my first step. Acknowledging that I have things to change and I'm ready was my first step. Putting it on paper makes it final somehow.
I'm not perfect, I don't care to be perfect, but I am ready to make some changes.
Day 1. Get organized
-basic house cleaning
-extra stuff off counters
-go through my closet and kids closet
Week 1. Detox
-add fruits and veggies
-remove processed junk
-no extra sugar or salt
Stay tuned! : )
When I look back I am very thankful that I am not where I once was but as I take a realistic look at where I am now, I know I'm not yet where I want to be. I do not do this in a condemning way. I refuse to allow guilt to stick around. I receive the conviction and desire to do better and make better choices.
What are "better" choices/decisions really?
For me better decisions are higher decisions.
Isaiah 55:8-9
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
I have some bad habits. Because this will help me to acknowledge, process and begin to change them. I am going to list them.
1. procrastination
2. multi-tasking (to the point of not being able to focus on one thing at a time)
3. spend too much time on media (facebook, my phone, my computer)
4. Enjoying and "being" in the moment is difficult for me
5. spending interrupted time with the kids where I am not distracted by a person, my phone, facebook or work.
6. I am "busy" all of the time
7. I need to feel loved and wanted
8. I crave discipline but have a hard time sticking to a goal once I set it
There are more I am sure, but this is a good place for me to begin. I want to change. I am not looking at these things and wallowing in self hatred. Just to show you (or me) that I have a healthy balance, I am going to list my positive qualities.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalms 139:14
1.I have a genuine, loving heart
2. I love God, love my family, love people
3. I am great at building rapport and relationships
4. I am business minded, determined and I refuse to give up.
5. I always try to find the silver lining in EVERY situation.
6. I know who I am in Christ and refuse to accept less than I should.
7. I am generous and loyal and protective of those I love
8. I am athletic, adventurous and fun.
So here is the consensus. I want to change and this is what I want.
I want to live a simplified life, uncomplicated by excess stuff, responsibilities that were never mine to take on. I want to break the addiction to facebook, my computer and my phone and create healthy, balanced boundaries. I want to be single and satisfied. I want to stop being a "busy multi-tasker" I want to focus on one main task each day and then if anything else gets done that day it's a bonus.
I want to enjoy and live my life now. Why wait? What is later? Are we promised tomorrow? No, we have today and today only. I want to start living that way.
How do you start? That is a very important question.
I am going to start with a small step. Writing this was my first step. Acknowledging that I have things to change and I'm ready was my first step. Putting it on paper makes it final somehow.
I'm not perfect, I don't care to be perfect, but I am ready to make some changes.
Day 1. Get organized
-basic house cleaning
-extra stuff off counters
-go through my closet and kids closet
Week 1. Detox
-add fruits and veggies
-remove processed junk
-no extra sugar or salt
Stay tuned! : )
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Better places
The thunder is rolling in the background, I can hear the patter of rain on the back deck. I have the lights dim in the house and I am snuggled in my white chair drinking hot, bedtime tea.
I am so relaxed, I feel so peaceful. The kids are in bed sleeping and for the first time in a long time, I don't feel like I should be doing something else.
My dog is laying at my feet and the kitten is sitting at the edge of the chair. I could probably fall asleep sitting here.
My body is completely spent. I haven't been sleeping enough, working too many hours and training my body as hard as I can. Tonight I got an incredible workout after class. My body is humming it is so tired.
That is the best feeling. All energy spent. All stress gone. Muscles tired but satisfied. It feels so good.
I reread some of my lastest blog entries before I started writing tonight and I was amazed at how difficult of a place I had been in the past few months. Its sad that the only time I was writing was when i was frusterated. That is what is important to me about this blog. Regardless of who reads it or what anybody thinks, I want this to be a place of honesty for me. So that means that not every single entry is going to be cotton candy and lollipops. This is real life we are talking about.
I am in a much better place. I have new stresses and new challenges but I do not feel as closed in as I did before. I feel free to make decisions and changes as necessary without feeling like I need to ask permission. Sometimes I think the toughest decisions to make are the ones that are the most important. It's like God needs to see if he can trust you to listen and make the right choice so he can bless you and bring the next phase into your life.
Maybe that is not for everyone, but that's how it works for me. I am at a point in my life where I want to succeed. I want to listen and learn. I know that I don't know it all. God does. I choose to listen to my Father's voice.
So anyway, life is good. I feel like I am in a transitional point. I feel like things are preparing to change drastically. I am ready, how fun!
I am so relaxed, I feel so peaceful. The kids are in bed sleeping and for the first time in a long time, I don't feel like I should be doing something else.
My dog is laying at my feet and the kitten is sitting at the edge of the chair. I could probably fall asleep sitting here.
My body is completely spent. I haven't been sleeping enough, working too many hours and training my body as hard as I can. Tonight I got an incredible workout after class. My body is humming it is so tired.
That is the best feeling. All energy spent. All stress gone. Muscles tired but satisfied. It feels so good.
I reread some of my lastest blog entries before I started writing tonight and I was amazed at how difficult of a place I had been in the past few months. Its sad that the only time I was writing was when i was frusterated. That is what is important to me about this blog. Regardless of who reads it or what anybody thinks, I want this to be a place of honesty for me. So that means that not every single entry is going to be cotton candy and lollipops. This is real life we are talking about.
I am in a much better place. I have new stresses and new challenges but I do not feel as closed in as I did before. I feel free to make decisions and changes as necessary without feeling like I need to ask permission. Sometimes I think the toughest decisions to make are the ones that are the most important. It's like God needs to see if he can trust you to listen and make the right choice so he can bless you and bring the next phase into your life.
Maybe that is not for everyone, but that's how it works for me. I am at a point in my life where I want to succeed. I want to listen and learn. I know that I don't know it all. God does. I choose to listen to my Father's voice.
So anyway, life is good. I feel like I am in a transitional point. I feel like things are preparing to change drastically. I am ready, how fun!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Fight or Flight
Its an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. An anxiety that I cannot put my finger on..
I can't stand it.. I feel like I need to get out. I feel trapped by my life. I have been dealing with
panic attacks the past few weeks. What does this stem from? I am dealing with fear that I have never had before. I'm scared. How do you know if you are making the right decision?
And if you know you are making the right decision, how do you follow through?

I have given the warning signs. I have silently cried for help. It wont be long now. I wish someone would understand.
Gonna pack my car, gonna pack my bag. Gonna drive across the country and find a few favorite spots. Coffee shops in Seattle, choppy coasts in Oregon, lighthouses in Maine, beaches in SC.
Don't worry, I wont abandon the kids. I wont leave my business or my commitments. I just need some time to be me. Just to be.
Someday i will figure it out. Someday I wont run when somebody tries to get too close. Someday I will be able to think forever without shuddering. It isn't someday yet. And for now, I am still free. And my kids love road trips.
I can't stand it.. I feel like I need to get out. I feel trapped by my life. I have been dealing with
panic attacks the past few weeks. What does this stem from? I am dealing with fear that I have never had before. I'm scared. How do you know if you are making the right decision?
And if you know you are making the right decision, how do you follow through?

I have given the warning signs. I have silently cried for help. It wont be long now. I wish someone would understand.
Gonna pack my car, gonna pack my bag. Gonna drive across the country and find a few favorite spots. Coffee shops in Seattle, choppy coasts in Oregon, lighthouses in Maine, beaches in SC.
Don't worry, I wont abandon the kids. I wont leave my business or my commitments. I just need some time to be me. Just to be.
Someday i will figure it out. Someday I wont run when somebody tries to get too close. Someday I will be able to think forever without shuddering. It isn't someday yet. And for now, I am still free. And my kids love road trips.
Sunday, June 26, 2011

I just knew I had to get out this morning. It was raining, pouring rather but it suited my mood. I wanted to run, but didn't want to get wet so I drove instead. didn't have a plan, just drove. It was one of those days I could have easily ended up in Ohio or something of the sort, but I settled for east nashville. Something about that quaint area of town always makes me feel better. I drove around listening to music, thinking, looking at adorable houses and buildings. I tried to imagine where I would end up, what I really truly wanted out of life and where I could picture myself ending up. Have you ever met those people that know exactly what they want? Where they want to buy a house, settle down, grow old and gray setting on a porch swing talking about the neighbors? I can't do that. When I start thinking that way, i start to hyperventilate. I need the freedom to run.
I am such a dreamer and such a free spirit, but I put myself in these situations to lock myself down. Why? Then I think back and i have done it as long as I can remember. I need out. I need a fresh start. I cannot ignore this desire to run. It feels like it is going to take me over. I struggle on a daily basis to take a full breath of air. I feel clausterphobic. There is not a soul in my life that understands. These feelings stay inside until they hit paper and I feel like I can release them from my brain. It is frusteration that I can't begin to put into words. I am happy. Truly. I love my kids. I love my life. But something isn't right. Not even close and I have to do something about it. I can't live this way anymore.
I am thankful I have this outlet. Without it, I don't know what I would do.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I was downtown this morning after I finished training a client and I took a minute to cruise the streets. I simply adore Nashville. I LOVE being downtown.
I drove with the windows down and breathed in the fresh spring air and looked all around,
I would love to buy a condo down there and truly experience downtown living.
Maybe some day..
I have been on a kick lately that every place I go I want to be somewhere I have never been. It's a fun little game. Tye has been a good sport, driving around while I look around and decide where I want to eat. This process sometimes takes us 30-40 minutes but it is always worth it.
We also took the kids on a walk the other night, up that REALLY big hill in front of the capital building. Once we got up there, I decided that it would be fun to roll down it. You know, like you used to when you were a kid?
Ok well it hurts a lot more than it used to. And that's all I am going to say about that. ; )
We ended up exploring the old historic part of downtown and it was so awesome. In the 6 years that I have lived here I have never taken the time to do that.
Tye rang the big giant bell and literally scared the you know what out of us.
Eli ran faster than I have ever seen. We laughed and laughed until we realized that Grace was crying because she thought the cops were going to come get us! LOL!
Nashville is just great. If you haven't ever been here you must come.
We have the coolest little music venues, quirky coffee shops, friendly people.
It's just all around a great great place.
Well, gottta run. Grace has gymnastics at 3:30 and Eli has a baseball game and 6:00.
It's gonna be a good night.
Love you all.
Friday, March 18, 2011

He is peace to the wounded and help for the helpless one.
Wait patiently, upon the Lord.
When the waves rise against me and the waves try to draw me away.
I will stand on the mountain safe in your arms, I will sing.
I feel like driving. Actually today I have felt very claustrophobic. I hate that feeling. It makes me feel like I need to take a really deep breath.
It makes me feel like leaving.
Windows down, music blaring, hair down. Responsibilities left in the previous town.
I want to go somewhere new.
Quaint coffee shops, creative energy, artsy streets, bookstores, and art galleries.
It makes me wonder if I will ever be able to completely settle down and feel content.
I am blessed. I have a million and one things to be thankful for.
That is not the problem.
The issue is, I want my freedom. I have no desire to buy another house that I am tied to. I do not want to remarry anytime soon.
I didn't even want to sign a lease on my apartment.
I want to feel free. I don't want to have to explain why I feel this way sometimes.
I just do.
I have been responsible my whole life. But my entire life I have struggled with rebelling against that responsibility.
Today for example I want to drive to Asheville, NC. Alone. I want to wander down streets. I want to get lost. I want to eat dinner in a cute little restaurant. I want to get a little tipsy. I want to buy a piece of art from a local artist because it called my name.
Stay in a bed and breakfast. sleep in. write. dream.
It makes me wonder what the Lord has planned for me. He put big things inside of my heart. I know He did. I believe that is why I am not content to live a boring, life.
I want to see, explore, experience, really truly live. You know?
Friday, March 4, 2011

"Well it's a winding road, when your in the lost and found. You're a lover, I'm a runner and we go 'round and 'round. And I love you but I leave you, I don't want you, but I need you. I've got a gypsy soul to blame and I was born for leaving.."
Zac Brown Band
I am craving a new place. When I feel like this, it's a fire in the pit of my stomach. I just want to pick up and go. Pack the essentials, give away the rest. The ocean is in my blood and that is where my heart is. If the kids were game, we'd move back to Maui, and buy a small cottage on the beach.
An open, airy little place with big windows and a sliding glass door that opened to the warm sand and roaring sound of the ocean. I'd decorate in blues and whites, wicker furniture, and have hard wood floors. It would be covered in art with books everywhere. The kids would have the freedom to play, paint, learn, explore and enjoy life.
Every morning I would enjoy fresh Kona coffee in the sun, birds chirping, and the glorious smell of the ocean.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Jack of all trades

It's on my heart to write today. I have actually wanted to for days now but there has simply been no time to carve out to relax and write. Even now I am sitting in a cozy corner of panera wishing I could sit and do this for hours but I only have a few minutes before I meet a client and the day officially begins. I have a heavy topic on my heart today and that is being a single mom. I honestly don't think there is a more difficult job in the world. I actually love being a mom to my kids and honestly don't mind doing it alone. There are times when it would be easier to have someone at home helping me all of the time but having done both I am also thankful to be independent as well. Yesterday after I worked all day, I picked my kids up from the bus stop and took my daughter to gymnastics. While she practiced, her brother and I did homework. After a two hour practice we stopped by Kroger so I could pick up some things to make dinner. Chicken enchiladas had been requested. When we got home, we took the dogs out, I begin cooking dinner, grace took a shower then did homework. We sat down to eat as a family and talked about their day. Immediately after dinner I cleaned the kitchen, put left-overs away, packed snacks for school the next day and went through backpacks while the kids relaxed with a movie. Bedtime, teeth brushed, vitamins down, fresh water, tuck tuck and kisses. "mommy, can I have a string cheese?" "I have to go to the bathroom" " Did you sign my folder?" "My throat hurts!" "Go to sleep kids, I love you."
I love my life and truly wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
But I am also well aware that this is that hardest job and the most rewarding job I will ever have.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Pushing through the tough spots

Somedays it's easy to be positive. Other days not so much. The difficult thing is often times, circumstances haven't changed a bit but our attitude and perspective is completely different. The key in those challenging days is to not give up.
Regardless of emotions, in spite of feelings, the key is one foot in front of the other. Keep on keeping on.
Everyone would be sucessful if there were no challenging times. What seperates sucessful people from unseccessful people is the resolve to NEVER GIVE UP.
I couldn't imagine what I would do if my strength didn't come from the Lord. Nehemiah 8:10 and Isaiah 41:10. I rely on him to renew my strength like an eagle and to give me complete peace. On the days it doesn't come easily, I just keep pushing through the tough spots.
I challenge you today to keep climbing, keep running. If you can't run then at least walk, but keep moving!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
What inspires you?

What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you dread starting your day or are you excited about what the day will hold?
I am at a point in my life where I choose to enjoy and embrace what life has to offer. Gone are the days where I dread anything. Yes, there are things I don't want to do, conversations I do not want to have and choices that I do not want to make. But in spite of those things, I want to be where I'm at and relish life instead of dreading so much of life.
It's the little things. It's a hot cup of coffee. It's a spontaneous road trip. It's a bold move. A new business. It's quitting a job you don't like. It's removing toxic relationships. A brand new start. A new city. It's opening your heart to new friendships. Laughter. It's painting and getting messy. It's painting your nails different colors, just because you wanted to. It's dancing in front of a mirror, singing in the shower. It's enjoying your kids and then loving your free time. It's writing with abandon. It's anything done with abandon. It's saving and spending, living and most importantly loving.
It's time to stop letting life pass you by. Make some decisions. Take Risks and love your life.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Rounding a corner

Spring is coming. It HAS to be coming. I am at the point where it needs to get here, like tomorrow. I woke up this morning curled up in my bed and my room was so cold that I had no desire at all to get up. Yep ,I could have stayed in bed all day. But I didn't. I threw the covers off and pretty much ran to the coffee maker.
I trained three clients this morning and made an effort to get a decent workout in myself. It could have been better, but I am blaming it on the cold.
The rest of the afternoon I have spent in silence and let me tell you, it's been great.
I would be content to do this all day. I am at Starbucks working on my new computer (that I love) listening to jazz and drinking a hot cup of coffee. So pretty much this girl's version of heaven.
I have had a lot of thinking time today, did some reflecting.
So, I starting my own personal training business last month. I have been working towards this for the past few years but unintentionally. People would call and I would take them on as clients but I viewed it as "side work" I realized after I had an almost full schedule that I was in fact running my own business just unofficially. Weird how that happened.
I named it Crystal Clear Fitness. Cute huh? Little play on words for ya.
I couldn't be happier. Life in my world has been a struggle for the past few years and let me tell you, it feels great to be on the right track.
I am so in love with what I am doing that it doesn't even feel like work.
Isn't that how is should be?
To get here I had to make hard choices, make decisions that people didn't agree with, work hard, work long, be patient, choose joy. Smile.
It goes to show. Things will get better, they always do. My life is a living testimony of that fact.
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